My New Giant TCR Race Bike was DIRT CHEAP! (week 8)

5 years ago

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Are CHEAP CHINESE CARBON Bike Frames a good idea. I keep getting that question, and to be honest, after researching and purchasing this Giant TCR Advanced Frame, with Shimano Ultegra mechanical, Enve 6.7 tubular carbon wheels, it makes me wonder why you would go down that path. Especially when you can maintain your warranty through a local Giant bike store.

So in this video I will share with you how I come to own this Giant TCR race bike. I will also share the numerbs, including weight, which came in at just over 7.1 kgs. The numvers for the complete bike are as follows.

Giant TCR Advanced complete bike: $2,200 AUD
Less Giant SLR One Wheels (assuming I sold them): $700 AUD
Add the Enve 6.7 wheels: $1,200
Total: $2,700 AUD which is a touch over $1,800 USD.

#Giant #TCR # racebike #envewheels

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