Murdaugh, McMaster, and Mandates - FITSNews Week in Review Ep. 1

3 years ago

Special projects director Dylan Nolan and I did a test run of this new series a week ago – a “pre-pilot,” if you will – and the network bit. So here we are with the actual “pilot” of the series, the creatively christened “Week in Review.”

And yes … I seriously hope we figure out something better to call it soon.

Anyway, prior to two months ago this news outlet had produced precisely zero video content … so this is all still very new to us (and to me). I’m still getting used to being on camera – and to be honest, this new medium has given me a newfound respect for reporters in the television business.

Except no … that’s not really true at all.

Those trained seals are regurgitating propaganda talking points they read off of their teleprompters. Literally barfing up a bunch of politically correct crap someone told them to say. Or, in the case of television stations in South Carolina … reflexively cranking out establishment spin in response to something my news outlet reported a few days earlier.

Damage control for the status quo …

Me? I am bringing original, extemporaneous flow into your smartphone, tablet or desktop … along with my obvious and endearing humility.


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