Your Week in Review - Episode 76 • September 6, 2019

5 years ago

Reporter Chris Brown highlights the news of the past week in a video podcast: Final commission report on Clark County Jail replacement turned in ; New Ridgefield school impact fees could give developers sticker shock ; Clark County Sheriff’s Office expanding aerial drone program ; EDITORIAL - appreciating those fighting for traffic congestion relief ; Day trip to the Columbia River Gorge ; NW Natural Parade of Homes starts in Camas ; Week II of our high school football video previews.

Find links to these stories here:•-september-6,-2019

#ClarkCounty #CFAC #LawEnforcement #CountyJail #Taxes #CuckAtkins #JamesMcElvain #CraigPridemore #EileenQuiring #JohnBlom #JulieOlson #TempleLentz #GaryMedvigy #Washington #Evergreen #Ridgefield #Woodland #LaCenter #Hockinson #ClarkCountyToday #KenVance #Transportation #TransportationCongestion #SWRTC #AnneMcEnernyOgle #JohnLey #GaryMedvigy #JamieHerreraBeutler #Opinion #Editorial #DayTrip #RoadTrip #PNW #PacificNorthwest #ColumbiaRiverGorge #Gorge #ColumbiaRiver #Washington #Oregon #BeaconRock #MultnomahFalls #HorsetailFalls #WahkeenaFalls #LatourellFalls #VistaHouse #WomensForumViewpoint #I84 #US30 #WindMt #ClarkCountyParadeOfHomes #NWNatural #DawsonsRidge #CascadeWestDevelopment #AxiomLuxuryHomes #AffinityHomes #ForgedCustomHomes #GlavinHomes #MCCustomHomes #HomeBuilders #HighSchoolFootball

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