Democide by Design - a Konspiracy Documentary

2 years ago

Vaccine deaths & side-effects, hospitals killing people with covid protocols, and countless real personal stories from those affected. Please watch & share as much as possible. This is a good wake-up video for all.

If you'd like to download & share this documentary around, please feel free. You can download it from mediafire here;

The Fallout segment was made much earlier than the rest of this, prior to much of my own research & experiences in the matters, and I didn't know as much about these events then as I do now.

If you need help finding a job that does not require a vax, you can use Clay Clark's system for no-jab jobs here;

VAERS shows that the number of deaths from the covid-19 vax is now TRIPLE the deaths of every other vax COMBINED since the year 1990.

You can also see where VAERs has deleted a bunch of their own data here;

Also note that COVID-19 shots are often a mixed batch. Some are harmless saline, some are vector, some are mRNA, and some are mRNA with an added component. You can see where most bad batches were distributed, and presumably guess how dangerous your own region is, by looking through the info gathered on this website; Please note that the deaths and side-effects seem to be happening much more often in red states in general.

The doctors who have refused to be part of this system any longer (the only trustworthy ones left in my opinion) can be found here;

And the good doctors from this organization are starting a new healthcare program, which will be expanding farther in the near future, and this will hopefully allow all of us to have trustworthy healthcare again. They say "We don't take insurance - we take care of you." It's called Goldcare, and you can keep up with them & become a part of them by visiting here;

Also, if you or someone you know has a story like the ones in this video, be sure to report those stories to the COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Project, where these stories are now being cataloged. You can find their site here;

For more information, don't forget to watch AND DOWNLOAD all the info on

Please spread all of this information as much as you possibly can for the health and safety of you & everyone around you.

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