Data Media Safes vs Standard Fireproof Safes

4 years ago

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Hi, I'm Andy from the Safe & Vault Store, and today we're going to talk about Data Media Safes vs standard Fire Safes. Our data media safes are specifically designed to hold all of your electronic data needs. The common misconception is that fireproof safes will also protect electronic media. That is wrong! Fire Safes are only designed to protect important paper documents. These data safes are specifically designed to protect your electronic media from a fire with specially insulated material that keeps the inner temperature of the safe cooler than a regular fire safe.

Computer media such as hard drives, DVDs, CDs, thumbdrives, and USB drives are easily damaged in a fire. Manufacturers recommend computer media not be exposed to temperatures over 125 degrees F or humidity over 85 degrees F.

It is important to remember when purchasing a data media safe to know the rating. Data Media Safes are made to keep things under 125 degrees F and will be rated with a tag. Standard fire safes are designed to keep things under 350 degrees F on the interior of the safe. And it will also have a tag.

Doing research is the easiest part. Save yourself the headache in the end by ordering the right type of safe. We have a large selection of data media safes online at

Thank you for watching our video. And again if you have any questions or concerns about safes, check us out on Or call us at 800-207-2259.

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