Guide to S&W Revolver Frames

2 years ago

Smith & Wesson was formed in 1856, and the company's first model was a revolver. Today, S&W has expanded to include a wide range of pistols and rifles but remains a leader in the world of wheelguns.

When it comes to the company's modern revolvers, designed in the age of smokeless powder, most can be categorized into the small frame (I and J), medium frame (K and L), large frame (S and N), extra-large frame (X) and .410/.45 caliber (Z frame) models. With that being said, well over 200 S&W revolver variants and subvariants have hit the market with several never catching on or leading to eventual dead ends. We're here to cover the more popular models both in current production and those passed on to the realm of collectors.

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