NIGHT SHADOWS 08122022 -- John Vandeventer, Larry Taylor & Stewart Round Table on Paranormal

2 years ago

Another round-table with John Vandeventer, Larry and Stewart. There is a DECEPTION coming upon the world and especially the United States. A deception that most will not be able to stand against. We are watching the final phase of destabilization in America that is designed to drive a huge wedge between the people and the USA/Babylon government. This is done on purpose to force the masses to riot, to revolt, and that gives the United Nations the right to come into America, bring in Martial law, disarm the people and submerge her under the UN, the 4th Beast of Daniel. At the same time, many paranormal events will begin to appear along with UFO's and the ALIEN ARRIVAL. The Bible calls it the strong delusion, designed to fool all the world who refused Jesus Christ as their Redeemer, and much more...

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