Cute Little Bunny Cries

2 years ago

Last year my wonderful Doberman found a wild bunnies nest and managed to pull 2 kits out of the nest, eyes still closed, no hair and some blood left on them. They had just been born. Once I realized what was going on I pulled my dog away and had to barricade a large area to keep her out! There appeared to be at least 3 more kits in the nest under a large shrub tree. I left everything as is and the next day I went out to check on them. We had a big storm come through that morning, with heavy rain and high winds. I found the nest was empty but the 2 kits my dog pulled out where left behind. Panicking I did not know what to do! I ran and got a starter kit for feeding. By the time I could get in touch with a Wildlife Rescue one past away, I cried my eyes out. The 3 day weekend I had them, I had fallen in love. One of them made it to the rescue even though it was very hard to part with it, I did what was right. They said I could call and check on it in 7 days. I decided not to call because I feel better not knowing and can imagine the kit happy, healthy and returned to the wild. This story right her is how I ended up with my beautiful bunny Marzanna.

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