I can only use One Pitch per Inning | Super Mega Baseball 3

2 years ago

Pitchers mix up what pitches they throw to keep hitters guessing. What if they were only allowed to throw one pitch each inning?

0:00 - Explanation
0:15 - 1st Inning | 2-Seam Fastball
3:20 - 2nd Inning | Curveball
7:39 - 3rd Inning | Changeup
10:15 - 4th Inning | Slider
13:02 - 5th Inning | Cut Fastball
18:09 - 6th Inning | Changeup
23:11 - 7th Inning | 4-Seam Fastball
27:04 - 8th Inning | Curveball
29:27 - 9th Inning | Forkball

Team Transfer Tool:

2021 Rosters (MLB The Show Ratings) by @RandallB21:

2021 Rosters (Out of the Park Ratings) by @RandallB21:

His World (Lost Instrumental) - Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Community Live (Unused) - Burnout Paradise
Ghostly - Tokyo Xtreme Racer Drift
Static (Mick Gordon) - Need For Speed World
Go For Broke - Tokyo Xtreme Racer Drift
Vanish Into - Tokyo Xtreme Racer Drift
Rainbow Road (GaMetal 2021 Remaster) - Mario Kart 64/7

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