Minuteman Gun Safes by Hayman Safe

2 years ago

Dominic with Safe & Vault Store.com breaks down the features and benefits of the Minuteman & Minuteman Magnum Gun Safes.

Shop the Minuteman Gun Safes: https://www.safeandvaultstore.com/collections/minuteman-quick-access-gun-safe


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Hi, my name is Dominic Schwebs and I am with SafeandVaultStore.com. I want to show you today a really unique by Hayman Safe called the Minuteman Gun Safe.

The Minuteman Gun Safe is designed to mount into a typical home stud wall. Installed this way, the safe only takes up a few inches of floor space. There is also another version called the Minuteman Magnum which is deeper to hold more rifles. This version is designed to be bolted to a floor.

What can the Minuteman Gun Safes be used for?

For home use, there are several applications.

Do you already own a large gun safe somewhere in your home such as in a closet, garage, or basement? Think about in an emergency situation having to run to your gun safe to get your gun out to protect yourself or your family. What if your path to your gun is blocked by the person breaking in? With the Minuteman Gun Safe, it can be installed in the wall behind a bedroom door. You can have your weapons that you would use in an emergency inside this safe for quick access right when you need them. Your gun safe can still be used for your main gun collection.

Or maybe you just have a small number of rifles and handguns so having a large gun safe is overkill for you. This will save you space, allow you to have quick access when you need it, and everything will be secure inside.
For commercial use, you can really use the Minuteman Gun Safe for any type of business that needs to secure a rifle or handgun.

How secure are the Minuteman Gun Safes?

Each unit is designed with 11-gauge solid steel construction. This is thicker than many gun safes on the market. Plus it comes standard with a UL Listed Top-lit electronic lock or a biometric lock as an upgrade. These locks are secure from WIFI, Bluetooth, or RFID hacking. And you don’t need to worry about losing a key.
What are some of the other features of the Minuteman Gun Safes?
• It has adjustable muzzle support that allows long guns up to 39” long to be ready at a moment’s notice.
• As the door opens, the guns are presented in a muzzle down ready to deploy attitude.
• And it has a motion-activated interior light when the door opens.

Let's talk about how quick the Minuteman Gun Safe is. Just enter your code, and pull the door open. It takes about 4 seconds or so to open. With the biometric lock, you just swipe your fingerprint and open the door.

How easy is the Minuteman Gun Safe to install in a wall? There really are just four steps.

The first step is to cut your drywall the same size as the back of the safe.

Step 2, slide the safe into the opening that you just cut.

Step 3, using lag screws, bolt the provided holes inside the safe to your studs.

Step 4, put the door in place and you're ready to load it with the firearm of your choice.

As you can tell, the Minuteman and the Minuteman Magnum Gun Safes are a great choice to secure your weapons and access them in an emergency. If you have any questions, you can visit our website at safeandvaultstore.com. Again my name is Dominic with Safe & Vault Store and thank you for watching.

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