Preparing Ideas

2 years ago

This is a great idea from the caller, Red. We have a very intelligent, resourceful, wise, and forward thinking (and handsome / beautiful) (and humble) audience of listeners. Let’s experiment in crowdsourcing practical self-sufficiency. Put things like links to practical videos, stories, ideas, resources ect., as contribution to a limited library of useful knowledge. Try to keep it about how/what we can do without the fully functional system.

Nothing written in the comments should be considered advice of any kind. It is the responsibility of the watcher/reader/listener to make their own decisions according to their own judgment through their own discernment about everything they do.

To The Lifeboats – “Are you Prepared for the Collapse of Society?”

To The Lifeboats – “Homeschooling Discussion with Laura Kronen”

Tune in to the live show Sundays on the main channel.

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