When the Rain Stops: We Can Break the Cycle of Destructive Behaviors

2 years ago

We are here today to talk with John Callas about his very personal memoir “When The Rain Stops”. A must read if you have been traumatized, abandoned, battled depression and/or ever had thoughts of suicide and even attempted it.

John Callas is a veteran writer/director/producer in the entertainment business and was the Worldwide VP for The Walt Disney Company. He was even at the beginning of the MTV launch making music video history.

John was awarded ‘Best Concept’ for Glenn Frey’s “Smugglers Blues”, produced music videos for the Red Hot Chili Peppers and probably one of the most iconic music videos of all time, and my favorite, Sammy Hager’s “I Can’t Drive 55”.

John Callas produced and director many if not the most of the television episodes of Howie Mandel’s “Bobby’s World”.

As for major motion pictures, John Callas’ work can be seen on live action teasers for Ransom (with Mel Gibson), Dennis The Menace (with Walter Matthau), Body Of Evidence, The Golden Child (with Eddie Murphy), Glenngarry Glenn Ross (with Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon, Alan Arkin, a young Alec Baldwin), as well as title sequences For The Two Jakes and A Few Good Men (with Tom Cruise, Demi Moore and Jack Nicholson). https://johncallas.com

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