Becoming One With God by Dr Michael H Yeager

5 years ago

Oh, to be alone with God, to get His mind, His thoughts, and His will and revelation of the need of the people. Jacob was left alone, and unless WE get alone with God, HIS WORD, we shall surely fail.
Alone! Alone! Alone! It had all been Jacob! Jacob! Jacob! (ME, ME, ME,) He got alone with God, and will know it if you get alone with God, what a place of revelation! Alone with God! Jacob was left alone, alone with God.

In John 17.21 Jesus says, “That they all may be one as thou Father art in me and I in thee, that they also may be one in us.” [Jn 17.21] What works in us through being one with him, rooted and grounded?

Never desire to be anything. For in the true Christian’s life no man wants to be anything but his only desire is to be one with Christ, to be his all and in all. It is to live only for the glory of God, to be filled with the power of God, to be kept at all times in that place where you know you are nothing and can do nothing but for the grace of God.

If you ever think you are anything of importance consider Jesus and if you consider Jesus you will find there is no room for exaltation, only brokenness of heart and contriteness of spirit. The Kingdom of God is brought forth in righteousness and truth. What is the truth? Truth says that Jesus is the Way; truth says that Jesus is the ideal for us, and we must be like Him; no man who truly follows Jesus and reads the words in Philippians can say any more about himself. Jesus who was the Son of God made Himself of no reputation, took on Himself the form of a servant and humbled Himself even to the death of the cross.

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