Unlock the Power of Your Human Design Manifestor Type

5 years ago

The Power of the Manifestor is unmatched. Human Design System Manifestors are here to get the ball rolling on things and we need them to step up to their role. There may be a lot of conditioning or childhood wounding that must be overcome to be able to change the negative self-talk that may have been instilled since childhood by parents who thought they needed to tame their strong-headed and uncontrollable child.

Comprehend how you best express yourself in the world and learn to accept, relate, support, and work with other types.

Discover Keys to Your Manifestor Energy Type. If you're new to #HumanDesign and want to learn the keys to your career type this one is for you! Please enjoy this introductory webinar training. Want to learn how to apply the #HumanDesignSytem to your career? Human Design is great for business!

Comments? Feedback? Please post below and feel free to connect with me for more Human Design!

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