NY Day 1, Marty Grisham, Sheila Holm, GA Guidestones

2 years ago

NY Day 1 Marty Grisham, Loudmouth Prayer, Revival in America; Sheila Holmes, Author, Georgia Guide stones, Banners 4 Freedom, The Monument to the ForefathersLoudmouth Prayer is a prayer organization called to educate, equip, and lead people in prayer. God has given Loudmouth Prayer assignments to teach his people prayer to restore and rebuild cities through daily united prayer with as many people as possible. We all have a voice — a voice that God hears and answers. We need to join our voices in lifting up our city every day. Let’s rebuild our communities together.




God has taken Sheila around the globe:

church to church, business to business, nation to nation.

Many confirm she walks in the five-fold ministry.

Sheila does not use a title because all believers are Ambassadors for Christ and our Father guides our steps.

He introduces her before she arrives, provides what is required, fills her as an empty vessel while she is in the midst of the multitude on each continent. He sends her as an apostle and prophet.

He orchestrates all arrangements for her to preach, teach, and evangelize.

People attending the meetings & conferences often hear the LORD speaking through her in their own language without a human translator present. In fact, they say her preaching and conference sessions are like watching someone walk out of the bible, share with them for a while and then go right back in the bible, aka continuing upon her faith journey in HIStory.



For information, donate or buy tickets visit Resistance Chicks Web page https://www.resistancechicks.com/the-covenant-restoring-the-ancient-paths/

Behind the scenes where Featured Speakers get together share each others vision for the upcoming Plymouth "The Covenant" event. Each one brings a unique gift and calling to share with participants taking a missionary journey to the birth place of our Great Christian Nation. God created America to spread the good news. Faith in God leads to morality, that leads to law that leads to Biblical expertise in education which lead to God's power in man enabling the simplest man to overthrow Tyranny. With God's Spirit working with them. The good news is that through Jesus Christ, God used his mighty power to liberate all men. We get our Life, Liberty and happiness all from obedience to God who set us all FREE.! Now men live to please Almighty God, love our fellow man treating all men equally, fairy justly. Own land, raise our own children, grow our own food, etc. As Freemen. We do not live by the dictates of mere men.

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