Open Your Eye Ep41 with guest Lisa Ruckaber

2 years ago

Open Your Eye Ep41 with guest Lisa Ruckaber

"My name is Lisa and I’ve been on a healing journey (from PTSD, anxiety and depression) since 2020. However, it wasn’t until July 2021 that I was officially diagnosed with PTSD and life hasn’t been the same since! While I had been living a life of what “seemed to be normal” up until my diagnosis, I’m just now learning exactly how chaotic and out of control my past life was!"

Lisa began her journey in 2020, having traveled to Mexico she had an opportunity to meet with Mother Ayahuasca. It was soon after that that Pandora’s box opened, and she says she was lead down a path of further healing – healing that she really didn’t know that she had to do. It was the pandemic, strict quarantine measures and health issues that all converged together, and Lisa thought she was going crazy. At the end of 2020, Lisa asked a friend that had already experienced psychedelic therapy in Mexico if he’d be interested in traveling back there with her..

Together, they embarked on their journey in January 2021 and ended up traveling around Mexico for five months. Their goal was to seek out various healing modalities that could assist them in their search for inner peace and work on healing past traumas. Lisa, accompanied by her friend & past guest Steve Mather, crossed the country from the Pacific to the Caribbean and ended up in Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo. The pair did five ayahuasca ceremonies in a six-week period. It was like years of counseling done in five twelve-hour sessions. Lisa says she received a message in one of her journeys that she had to leave Canada and move to Mexico. So last summer in 2021, upon returning to Canada after their 5-month healing journey, she sold everything that she owned and returned to Mexico in October.

Now, after taking part in 22 ceremonies over a two-and-a-half-year period, Lisa is still on my healing path. The medicine has shown her traumas of her childhood, triggers that occur day to day, and barriers that have held her back from opportunity. Patterns that she has integrated so deeply, that consciously Lisa never even knew they were there. The medicine has also given her more tools to work with so that she no longer goes so deep into the depression or anxiety, which plagued her life in the past.

Lisa tells us "While the “work” is challenging and difficult at times, the medicine is all about love and healing, so if you look deep enough, love and healing is what you will find."

"While I come to the medicine from a perspective of looking for healing from childhood trauma, and not from addictions, I’ve been shown many addicting patterns that I’ve lived over the years. The medicine seems to strip away all the fog, and it allows you to see from a new perspective, without judgement and with more compassion. The medicine has the power to show you exactly what you need to see in any given moment."

Lisa is currently on an “integration break” taking all her lessons from the past two years and trying to integrate them into her daily life.
"They say that the taking of the medicine is a “ritual” and that the living your life day-by-day and putting the lessons into practice, that’s the real “ceremony.” My integration is using the tools that the medicine has given me to heal – and spending a lot of time alone!" she says.

Lisa has created a Facebook page, called "CHAT" or Conscious Healing Alternative Travel. It’s a new page & content will build with time. Lisa plans to post updates, tours, personal reviews, healing ceremonies and general information about the sacred medicine found in and around Mexico. Her goal is to spread the information on natural therapy as well as share her personal journey, through the realm of psychedelic medicine.

Kim and Tarra chat with Lisa about her journey through the realm of psychedelic medicine in Mexico on this week's episode of @Open Your Eye on @NOK Network - Thursday August 11th, 2022, at 8pm est
Send us your questions in advance, or chime in on our live chat during the show on YouTube & FB @NOKnetwork

#OpenYourEyeShow #NOKnetwork #psychedelicthursdays #ayahuasca

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