If HUMANS won't hear you the DEMONS Will -Breaking City Strongholds

4 years ago

Looking back at the early days of preaching. When one begins to street preach in a city that is ran be devils, the light begins to shine. Many churches are afraid to take the streets, therefore the street preacher is greatly needed. You as a street preacher will initially face much opposition as you are entering their (demons) natural habitat. If you continue to preach in your city the demons will begin to recognize you and the atmosphere will begin to change.

When I started preaching almost 5 years ago, the devils in my city were strong and were running the town. We persevered through it and brought the Word of God to many souls. We preached at many city festivals and gatherings. The feedback from random individuals was amazing. People we never knew would come up to us and thank us for street preaching.

I encourage the young preacher to be persistent in his own city first as there are strongholds that need to be brought down. This will make way for the seed of God's Word to take root and then fruit will then follow. I would preach at the roughest areas in my city to gang-bangers, prostitutes and drug-dealers, on their territory. The Word of God is the only thing that can set them Free!

Many times I would preach to the air with little to no humans in sight. But I know the scripture that says that there are principalities and powers in the air (Eph 2:2). So when you preach even in the open air to the blank space, there are fallen angels that are being tormented and their power is being diminished. The WORD of God will never return void even if it's being preached to invisible fallen angels.


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