Cancelling Court Case Challenging Travel Ban

2 years ago

The travel ban for those who chose not to take a specific medical procedure is suspended. But was it constitutional? Until that is answered by the courts, it could come back.

In the notice posted on June 14th, it references possible reimposition of mandates at any time including this idea of being "up to date".

The four court cases have been consolidated into one to challenge the constitutionality of the travel ban. The ban barred over 5 million Canadians from boarding a plane or a train between October 29, 2021 and June 20, 2022.

The Attorney General is trying to pass a mootness motion that would dismiss the court case as irrelevant because the travel ban has been suspended.

On August 5th, lawyer Keith Wilson representing the JCCF and the Honorable Brian Peckford, only living drafter of the Charter had this to say:

“dismissing this matter will set a dangerous precedent for government actors. It will allow them to be at liberty to enact, albeit temporarily, unlawful laws, and at their whim revoke them and argue mootness when challenged”

In other words, mandate unconstitutional rules, enforce them, and then suspend them and when challenged, reply it's moot, because it's suspended.

The wheels of justice move slow. If the consolidated court case challenging the constitutionality of the travel ban is made moot, conceivably at any time, we would be at the mercy of the reigning government, and they could do the same or similar again without challenge.

We must have Justice. Canadians have the right to know whether or not it was lawful for the government to violate mobility rights and infringe on personal medical autonomy.

Know your rights and stand up for them! H.A.I.L. BRETHREN!

We say H.A.I.L. FREEDOM for a reason, because the world needs a little more Honor, Accountability, Integrity, and Loyalty.

H.A.I.L. Honor, Accountability, Integrity, Loyalty


My name is Rohan Kumar Pall, and our family came to Canada for Freedom. If you have experiences with either contesting a ticket or your travelling experiences with the ArriveCan app please email me

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