"Hello Preacher, would you like a Glitter Blessing?" Pride Festival

4 years ago

We do not monetize any of our videos, never have. The music in the video was playing in the background and the algorithm supplied the artist information below along with advertisements for the artist of the music. We have no say in the issue but to delete the video which we won't do as the seeds of God are being spread.

"The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity." Psalm 5:5

"Foolish" (Hebrew) Halal - which means: boastful, prideful, celebrate, foolish glory, rave, clamorous, glitter or shine


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This was a pride event that took place in Livermore California. It's a prideful city and we have had trouble there before. See video "overcoming sin like a saint" for an incident that led to making me a more Godly Christian. The city however, is still rooted in pride and much anti-christ sentiment. We can only hope that a few will be spared through the preaching and God's Grace. We will work while it is day because the NIGHT cometh when NO man can work!


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