Demons influence Campus Police and UNLAWFULLY remove Christians

4 years ago

"For he that is not against us is on our part." -Mark 9:40


We were penetrating the students with the Word of God but faced adversity. The campus security were giving us more hassle than the students. As we were being escorted off campus, the male police officer tried to say he was a Christian and he was on our side, but I rebuked him sharply and called him out on that lie. He was the main culprit who initiated the unlawful conduct. The female officer also tried to exclaim her Christianity to us, we rebuked her as well as she contended with my wife continuously while I was preaching.

The Devil is a liar. We know that these officers were deceived and under the influence of satan. We pray they come to repentance and learn the Law they claim to uphold. We have no grudge against them as they were heavily influenced by satan. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. (Ephesians 6:12).

We plan to go back someday with more knowledge of our rights. The students were hungry for the Word but there was much spiritual distraction to prevent them from receiving the seed of God. Many of the college campuses are heavily influenced by the anti-christ system.
How will they hear without a Preacher?

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