REAL TALK: LIVE w/SARAH & BETH - Today's Topic: The Great Reset?

2 years ago

Today's Topic: The Great Reset?

Revelation 17:12–14

The Great Reset has long been associated with unprovable conspiracy theories about a globalist takeover of world economic and political systems. However, recent developments on the world stage have lent some credence to at least some of the theories. Advocates for the Great Reset are quite vocal about their plans, and they use that term.

It is important to try to understand things like the Great Reset from a biblical perspective. In particular, we want to consider how world events impact the nation of Israel. With respect to a coming one-world government, Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, a Jewish scholar of Bible prophecy, identifies a sequence of nine events to occur before the seven-year tribulation begins. These nine events are part of a pretribulational and premillennial view of prophecy:

1. World War I and World War II (see Matthew 24:1–8).

2. The re-establishment of Israel as a nation (see Ezekiel 36:33–24 and Isaiah 11:11–12). Israel was re-established as a nation in 1948.

3. Jewish control of Jerusalem (implied in Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15; 2 Thessalonians 2:3–4; and Revelation 11:1–2). Israel took control of the whole of Jerusalem after the Six-Day War of 1967.

The first three events have already happened. They are historical fact and lay the groundwork for six additional events that must happen in the future, probably before the seven-year tribulation begins:

4. Invasion of Israel by a northern alliance of nations (see Ezekiel 38:1—39:16).

5. A one-world government (see Daniel 7:23).

6. A federation of ten kingdoms (see Daniel 7:24a).

7. The rise of Antichrist (see Daniel 7:24b; 2 Thessalonians 2:1–3).

8. A period of peace and false security (see 1 Thessalonians 5:1–3).

9. The signing of a seven-year covenant with Israel (see Daniel 9:27). When the Antichrist brokers this “peace treaty” between Israel and its neighbors, the time of the tribulation can begin. (Fruchtenbaum, A., “The Sequence of Pre-Tribulational Events,” Messianic Bible Study, No. 038, available at

The rapture of the church could happen at any time between right now and #9, in the list above. The Great Reset could be an aspect of the coming one-world government, but it’s hard to make that connection as of yet. We don’t know how far off the rapture, we are experiencing evidence that we are in the end times are, and we don’t know what, if anything, will come of current plans for the Great Reset. Watch and consider ...

The ABC of Salvation

Beth Neibert is a Christian, Motivational Speaker | Author | Pastor - @bethneibert #OhCrapShesUp

Sarah Davenport-Smith is a life policies advocate, lobbyist, and is committed to providing legislative and consulting services on local and state levels while pollinating the truth.

REAL TALK: LIVE w/SARAH & BETH can also be found here:

© 2022 Beth Neibert | Sarah Davenport-Smith

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