Learn how to become a better straight ball bowler NOT! aLUCKYasHELL Jason/BELMO DownUnderDude01of99!

2 years ago

Here is a Lucky as HELL Jason Belmonte from the Down Under country of Australia an Australian type of strike it's just one of many Lucky as HELL strikes: this is one of ninety nine --->01 of 99 Lucky as HELL strikes!
He throws the ball like a girl heheheheheHA! oh wait like a monkey that's right you need to walk like a 2 handed monkey to the line to toss the ball off your fingers only with no thumb release that's right. a kangaroo has a better style heheheheheHA!

We LOVE you Jason but NOT as much as WE the PEOPLE in America LOVE the Donald!!! Donald John Trump 2024/forever in America. EVERYone LOVE's the Donald since around even 1970 here in America & the WORLD!
I WOULD DUMP the democrats NOW 8-12-22 & put a former (his whole life starting with his dad Fred Trump) former democrat: EVERYONE LOVE'S the Donald: Donald J Trump an ALL American AMERICAN! as THE America FIRST administration! The Donald CAN'T go wrong there! Donald J Trump a TRUE to America president!

I would vote for Donald J Trump NO matter what party he runs under. but now a days the only way to run as a democrat is to be a bigger LAIR then pelosi & Joey, to HATE America & put America LAST, to be able to commit TREASON many times & NOT go to prison for life, to NEVER building any WALL & to give away our FREEDOM with the open door policy's of the democrats HATE for America.
TAX the pisss out of ALL American & raise the hell out of the gas & oil prices
Use the Green new deal to line the democrats pockets with the new $GREEN$ money & dirty the worlds air supply even WORST then American oil company's did.
A democrat MUST de-fund the police & get rid of law & order, let the criminals out of prison & let them comet crimes on humanity/ America.
A democrat must use the FBI & CIA as the Kastopo & plant evidence were there was or is NONE! even on a former president of America.
Democrats MUST lower military wages & de-fund the military to make America vary weak!
A democrat must pledge a legends to being a communist to America the NEW RED COATS order of things!
A democrat must let as many communist people from all other communist country's into America for the communist vote & buy there vote with paying there way to stay in America the rest of there life as with use to be sanctuary city's BUT now all states are sanctuary states. give them welfare, give them food & money & pay for there housing & healthcare with American tax dollars! (this is not TREASON!!!)
Joey biden wants to pay each person who crosses or boarders almost a half MILLION each so a family of 4 communist WOULD NET $2 million in tax payers money. I made just over $500k in America my whole entire working life!!! I am retired as of 10-17-20 because I was born on 6-19-1958 so I was old enough to retire I get $1068 a month in SS retirement!!! HELP ME by NEVER voting a DEMOCRAT the communist party in ANY office NOT EVEN a janitor! they are way LOWER then a JANITOR! WAY LOWER! they do NOT belong in America period!!! today is 8-12-22. KICK these RED COATS out of America NOW!!!
Donald J Trump for president 2024 or sooner & forever!

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