Arrested and Charged for Preaching the Gospel and Judgments of Jesus Christ

4 years ago

The arresting charge was criminal disorderly conduct.

-Class 1 Misdemeanor (which is the most serious misdemeanor)

**Below are the list of Penalties that I was facing but due to representation a plea deal was reached**
-Up to 1 year in jail
-Fines and fees of $5,000 plus surcharges
-Up to 5 years probation
-A criminal record
Not to mention the additional mocking of my Faith in Jesus, the verbal allegations of the arresting officers that I was loitering, trespassing, disturbing the peace, resisting arrest and attempting to incite a riot.

Someone reported me for preaching. I was using a mini amp at half volume and apparently it was too loud and classes couldn't be conducted with the "Loudness" of the preaching I was told.

One of the officers (the one who handcuffed me) said later that he was a Christian and he agrees with the preaching. I heard that lie many times. While I was in custody I was mocked by the officer who played the loud music. He was condescending while writing up the charges. I was also mocked by another clerk while I was in handcuffs for my sweater which said "Evolution is a Big Lie." They mocked the sweater and tried to ask questions such as "Do you really believe that?" and laughed. The devil was all in this.

I felt like Jesus when he was on the cross when they mocked him and casted lots for his garments.

I requested prayer from a few brethren and you prayed and I thank you for that. You know who you are. It was a trying time and I had to hire a lawyer. He defended me and a plea agreement was reached.
Long story short, I am not in jail but I had to pay a fine, I have restrictions and I cannot preach at that particular college for the rest of the year into next year.

We are in the last days when Truth is considered hate. The more evil we expose the more the devil gets agitated and sends his imps to stop the preaching. At times they are successful but in the end, they will certainly perish. It's already declared. "For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch." Malachi 4:1

Our desire is to endure to the end and carry our cross in spite of whatever persecution comes our way and that we may we be counted worthy to stand before the Son of man (Jesus Christ) Amen!

Thanks to all who donated and helped with this trying ordeal. The costs incurred were recouped. That which was given in excess will be toward ministry expenses, equipment, travel etc. You suffered and labored with us. God bless you for your cheerful giving.

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***Please note, there will be no trial and a plea deal was already reached during the litigation process. I was still penalized as I stated and have been restricted in certain aspects**

"If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19

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