Mystery #7: True Conservatism Throughout History

3 years ago

Mystery #7: True Conservatism Throughout History

One of the many ways Conservatives and Conservatism subverts itself, is by the fact that Modern Conservatives are successfully shamed by True Conservatism of the past.  They feel that they are obligated to pretend that Optimizations such as Liberty, Freedom of Speech, or the ever abstract "Tradition" is what made them Conservatives all along.

This is not only wrong, it is transparently wrong. Conservatism is NOT defined by one's adherence to Tradition or these Principles per se...they are only bound by honoring the Forces of Family and Food, and honoring them in the most Optimized way available.

As such, it is not only okay, but honorable to stand up for the Conservative paradigms of past versions (or pre-Optimized versions) of Conservatism.  For example, the existence, promotion and Tolerance of what is deemed a modern evil like slavery, is perfectly acceptable in past paradigms.  There is ZERO reason for a True Conservative to pretend otherwise even with such extreme examples like slavery.

In the example of slavery, we have only to ask ourselves "What recourse was available to the ancients when a man failed to abide his financial obligations?"  This man is in debt, and he may even have no way to pay that debt, however he still took resources from another with a promise to pay.  Because this man has deprived his lender repayment and/or interest accrued, he has denied the lender resources (Food) and the ability to provide stability to his tribe (Family), therefore some from of recompense and accountability must be designed. If the man is in the unfortunate position of being completely incapable of balancing the scales, his only currency is his flesh taken by Force. A True Conservative can not deny the lender this Justice because the Forces of Family and Food must be honored.  Rampant, wasteful, unaccountable borrowing can not be ignored or condoned, and the man in question may simply have no other currency than his flesh and liberty to repay for that grave error.

Because the ancients did not have access to such modern Optimizations like Credit Scores and electronic transactions, we in the modern age often fail to see the need to hold a man's body and will hostage for incentive to not be wasteful.

This is but one example.  There are dozens. There are dozens of modern confections we take for granted that would make Ancient True Conservatism SEEM barbaric.  They were not.  They simply lacked the benefit of Optimization in their age and were no less True Conservatives than we are today.

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