JFK Assassination - Murchison Home - NightBefore - TheMenInTheRoom

2 years ago

JFK MURDER LBJ MISTRESS MADELINE BROWN TELLS ALL 1 Hour 37 Minutes - JacobRubeinstein - AttyJeromeRagsdale - RobertGroden - TalkShow - BillySolEsteses - JohnsonOrderedAHitWhileVP - FreeMasonGeraldFord - EarlWarrenDrafted-NationalSecurity- WWIII-850HLHunt-LBJ-JEdgarHoover-RichardNixon-KennedysWillNeverEmbarassMeAgain-942-MayNewmanSeamstress - Virginia Murchison 1962 - 1997 36years - BuelaMayHolemanCook - NoTipFromSpecialGuestBullDog - Met JBJ in 1948 and Had 21 Year RelationShip - 1960 Democrat Convention in CA - 12:04 - JoeKennedySr - HL Hunt - 3Days - WeMayHaveLostABattle - ButWeAreGoingToWinAWar - HL Hunt Controlled Everything - Had Lodge in Country - GeorgeAndHermanBrown - SidRichardsonOilBarron - JohnConnoly - ClydeToleson - LIST @15:41 - George Brown Brown&Root - JohnJMcCloy - CFR-Chase-CIAFounder-RichardNixon-EarlCabellMayorOfDallas-AmonGCarterFtWorthTelegram-JohnCurringtonAttyForHLHunt-BRSheffieldConstruction-RLThortonFormerMayor-Banker - JohnConnally@16:22 - JoeCYarboroughHomeConstruction-WOBankston-OldsDealer-FriendOfDecker-MacWallace-CliffCarter-CarlosMarcello-JoeCivello-16:55 - LarryCampbell BlackGuyBusinessAgent ForJimmyHoffa - Local 299 - Bill Decker - ClintPeoplesUSMarshall one that Investigated the HenryMarshall Murder - DonSmithGeneralManage Of DelMarRaceTrac in LaJolla CA - 17:11 - Others: MadeleineBrown - ShirlyPaulingWorkedForRuby-Valim~HusbandFABashour~AttendedParkland~JFK&JBC~GordonMcClendonOwnedRadioStation - KLIF - DickKantazar KLIF Salesman - DonNewberry - SalesmanForKLIF - HelenThomasReporterForUPI - PhillipKElliotReporterForUPI - TedWPowersReporterForUPI - DavidBlairReporterForUPI - LesDaleOwensAPandDailyTexanMagazine - NedSpelce KTBC TVReporter - Richard "Cactus" Prior KTBC - 18:14 - FrankCormier AP ReporterAnd CloseFriend OfHelenThomas - 18:37 Owens would hang around with Jacob RubensteinCarasoleClub and AbeWiensteinNextDoor - FamousStripperCandyBar - GotBustedForMarijuana - Mafia JoeCampisi - SidMurchison/ClintMurchison - ClintOwnedTheDallasCowboyTeam - GeorgeSomebody~BroughtCallGirlToMeeting~ShirleySomebody - 20:00 - PresidentKennedy WithJohnJMcCloy - 20:13 - OwensPickedUpAtAirport-Hoover-GeneralCharlesP.Cabell - JohnJMcCloy - NixonCameInOnTuesday - NixonStayedAtAdolphusHotel - John Currington - HL Hunt - Amon G Carter - George R. Brown 22:28 - DallasMayor ErlieCabell - Sheffield - JohnConnally - JoeYarborough - RalphYarborough - DidNotGetAlongWithLyndon - W.O.BankstonAndWife - 23:19 TolsonAndHoover Always Dressed Alike - TexasRangerClintPeoples - Sheriff Bill Decker - CliffCarter ( Friend Of Billy Sol Estes ) - Billy Sol Estes - LBJ Assassin Malcolm Wallace - MafiaDon Carlos Marcello - MafiaDon Joe Civello 24:10 - Mafia Jack Ruby - Larry Cambpell 24:25 - Clint and John Murchison TimeMagazineCover - Madeline AndHer Sons Jimmy and Steven 25:10 Oil Tycoon Sid Richardson - Senator Richard Russell - Met On Island - All Men Having Fun - HL Hunt NW Highway where he is Buried - 25:33 - WouldBrownBag and had patches on his Arm - RichestManInTheWorld - PrisonPlanetTV - DroveAnOldCarAndDidHisOwnChaforing- 28:36- JFK WantedForTreasonFlyers - 1948 Box13 - MetAtAlolphusHotel - Several Murders in 1948 Election - Jess Kellum - Bill Deason - LBJ 30:55 - Son Steven Born Dec 1950 - 32:57 - LBJ died in 1973 - SonSteven Filed Lawsuit for Part of Estate - Money Stopped in 1975 -

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