DR SARAH ZALDIVAR 2a | Vitamin D: check levels, if not 80, eat more meat, dairy, eggs or supplement

2 years ago

presents episode 538 | Maura Vega
Dr Sarah Zaldivar podcast

Question: You get cravings for carbs, sugar?
-No, I feel stable with hunger signals
-I used to feel cravings when on low fat diets
"Danny and I would binge every weekend...
Sunday evenings we'd keep eating!"
-now a treat is dark chocolate or high fat yogurt...
adding berries...nothing sweet
"Your taste buds really do change!"

Question: You get cravings for carbs, sugar?
-No, I feel stable with hunger signals
-I used to feel cravings when on low fat diets
"Danny and I would binge every weekend...
Sunday evenings we'd keep eating!"
-now a treat is dark chocolate or high fat yogurt...
adding berries...nothing sweet
"Your taste buds really do change!"
Question: Do you supplement?
-I have a genetic mutation, so I do take vitamin B12 & folate
-if I am not eating enough liver or red meat, then I supplement

If I feel like I am getting sick, I add some
-n-acetyl cysteine & zinc
-take desiccated liver when not eating cooked
Question: Vitamin D?
Dr Zaldivar:
"Check your levels...get it up to at least 70-80.
When I was a student, my levels were in the 20's.
I got high-dose vitamin D supplements."
Maura: Take it with vitamin K2, right?
Dr Zaldivar: Yes, if not getting enough
good quality dairy, meat, & eggs



Original Youtube: https://youtu.be/BAePa-_-YIQ
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