AG Garland’s Next Inevitable Move: A New Fake Trump Prosecution w/ More Faux ‘Facts’

2 years ago

In perhaps the most inevitable segue in fake news history, the FBI must now try to improve on their signature move – cooking up a fresh bowl of slander to dump on Trump. Not so easy, you say? Well, when everyone knows of a cadre of liars oozing with power who’re untouchable by any court, it would be silly to bet against them. And since the FBI did it before, and got away with it, you can bet they’ll do it again.

How about this for a proposed FBI motto:
“FBI: Framing Baffled Idealists, to engineer their destruction, in the name of justice.”

But can the Bureau exceed themselves versus their tawdry, urine soaked Russian Dossier? No doubt they’ll give it the old college try. Sadly, the FBI have so be-soiled themselves so often since Donald showed up in DC, some claim they’ve simply been written out of future scripts.

After the latest arrival of 30 self-righteous, beefcake scarfing agents, spending half a day in a former president’s house, they could have casually interspersed evidence from JonBenet Ramsey’s demise, Nicole Simpson’s real killer, the Black Dahlia, the Leaker of the SCOTUS abortion papers, and Jack the Ripper. Will all these crimes be tied to Trump, as well?

Seriously, in the days of the United States of Banana Republic, the piece de resistance is to execute decisions unparalleled. Or so obviously contrived it's meant to put the fear of God into everyone because everyone is now at risk. And Democrats have finally achieved this.

With the would-be SCOTUS justice Merrick ‘Weed Eater’ Garland at the helm, who already embarrassed himself with his unhinged siccing of the FBI on “Terrorist” parents – are his days numbered? Giving off the distinct scent of a closeted communist, Garland seems just the Marx Brother for the job.

And speaking of Marx Brothers, the next phase against Trump must be so predictably dumb as to casue a “laff riot” in the beloved leftist followers while evoking fury in genuine conservatives. That combination of responses has already been mastered by the Biden Bunch so should be easier than falling off a log.

Could AG Garland have used any other, lesser manner than a 30-man squad to retrieve paperwork from the former president’s home? It would seem so. Therefore, Garland has weaponized the FBI and has brought infamy upon his name and the FBI brand. Further, to recall how Garland claimed he had to send his agents after parents when it was his own letter which demanded this dreadful order shows how in over his head Garland is.

AG Garland must now be removed, his replacement chosen by a truly non-partisan committee, and the FBI cleansed of far-leftists. The only other choice is to disband the FBI.

PS: With all the claims about an ‘informant’ in Mar a Lago, how astoundingly funny would it be if the ‘spy’ was actually a double agent working for Trump to seed in fake news and therefore help expose Garland’s idiocy!

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