危害人類罪大行其道 / Crimes Against Humanity Running Amok

2 years ago

護士説她給了她第一個心髒病發作的 10 歲的孩子轉院,但不得不與不相信她的醫生爭論 30 分鐘,迫使他進行心電圖檢查,心電圖清楚顯示心肌梗塞...... 這接種1984年新冠生化武器一天之後發生的。

Nurse says she transported her FIRST 10 year old child with a heart attack and had to argue 30 minutes with doctor who didn't believe her, to force him to perform an ECG that clearly showed a myocardial infarction...just OND DAY after getting the COVID-1984 bioweapon.

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