2022 08 11 Thursday meeting

2 years ago

Louis Agassiz (1807-1873): Swiss-born Harvard Zoologist

Quotations Regarding Darwinism (1869)
The following quotes are from a chapter in a much longer work by Agassiz: Essay on Classification in Zoology. This chapter is called: Darwinism: Classification of [Ernst] Haeckel, also a German zoologist. One contemporary author said of Haeckel, if Thomas Huxley was Darwin’s “bulldog” in England, then Haeckel was Darwin’s “German shepherd.” His beliefs contributed much later to the rise of Naziism.

Just before each quote is my explanation of its meaning.
Bold words and brackets [ ] are mine.
Agassiz offers why Darwin does no justice to his own science. Although Darwin is a very good naturalist, his theory leads his followers completely astray:
“I have for Darwin all the esteem which one has to have; I know the remarkable work that he has accomplished, as much in Paleontology as in Geology, and the earnest investigations for which our science is indebted. But I consider it a duty to persist in opposition to the doctrine that today carries his name. I indeed regard this doctrine as contrary to the true methods that Natural History must inspire, as pernicious, and as fatal to progress in this science. It is not that I hold Darwin himself responsible for these troublesome consequences. In the different works of his pen, he never made allusion to the importance that his ideas could have for the point of view of classification. It is his henchmen who took hold of his theories in order to transform zoological taxonomy.”

Darwin’s theory is not true science. It is instead the shoehorning of evidence to fit the theory:
“This that Darwin presented as a theory about the origin of species is not a result gradually achieved by laborious researches applied to the solution of some point of detail in order to rise afterwards to a general and embracing synthesis; no, this is a doctrine that from the conception descends to facts, and seeks for facts to support one idea.”

Darwinism ignores what it doesn’t like. It picks and chooses what it likes:
“. . . darwinism excludes nearly all the mass of acquired information, for it assimilates and takes exclusively that which could be useful to the Doctrine. It is not the facts that determines for the darwinists the nature of their generalizations, it is the system that dictates the nature of their reality.”

Darwinians attempt to prove without evidence that offspring will be different from their parents

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