Do your services represent your client’s investment in themselves?

4 years ago

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Coaches understand that when talking to a prospective client, not having the money to pay for services is often a reflex statement. That’s right – when someone says they can’t afford your services, it is just a first defense. The truth is that people love to buy but hate being sold to. So when someone says they can’t afford to see you, this is actually an opportunity, NOT a block. What is actually happening is the client is telling you that there is a reason they are not ready to pay for your services yet, and they aren’t comfortable enough to commit.

The main reasons are usually one of the following:
• They don’t know you, like you, or trust you yet
• They don’t understand the value of your services
• They don’t trust that they can be helped by your services
• They don’t believe they can actually make the changes or have
• the body that can heal.
(Patient thought they knew me just because I had a video-)

When prospective patients refuse your services by saying they can’t afford it, health care practitioners back off because they do not understand the underlying causes of this statement. They forget that without addressing their health, clients will still be left with a problem AND they will continue to shop around for solutions. Even though they are claiming they cannot afford to see you, they will still look for more options. They want to make a decision they are comfortable with, and by using money as an excuse to not come and see you, what they are really saying is that they aren’t comfortable with you yet, and aren’t comfortable with making this decision. I can’t afford it is NOT a NO, it is an opportunity to educate, and be an excellent healthcare provider by providing the care they need to make this decision. It is difficult for us to imagine that we are actually doing a dis-service to them by not engaging them further.

Being able to address the money issue makes a huge difference not only for you but for your potential client/patient. What is 5 years of anxiety worth anyways? Quality of life? Productivity? It is important to uncover for patients what their condition is actually costing them, and how an investment in their health, is an investment in themselves and their lives. You also put a value on time. It is never free. Time is our most scarce resource so where you invest your time should represent to you the first sign of a YES.

Investing in their health can help their careers, relationships and help them achieve their goals. By going deeper with a patient and finding out what having a solution to their condition would mean for them, you are able to articulate the actual value of services and help them understand that your services are not simply something you pay for, they are an investment for their life.

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