不要与罪人结交(WarningThePeople)Don’t Associate With Sinners

2 years ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/-OilTW8u_QE

2017年1月15日 Originally Posted by WarningThePeople





耶稣呼召我们与那些还在犯罪的人断绝关系,并不意味着我们不再与他们交谈。耶稣也和罪人交谈,他责备假冒伪善的人,但他不会像假冒伪善的人或罪人那样生活。耶稣将自己分别出来,因为他要在他的上帝面前保持圣洁和纯洁。我们也需要保持自己的纯洁和圣洁。现在的教会和今日基督徒的问题在于,他们拒绝与那些犯罪的人分别开。结交一词的意思是交往、聚在一起、联合起来,许多的基督徒与罪人联合起来,他们根本就不可能进入神的国,因为他们与罪人打成一片。我想给你读一下耶稣关于这几种类型的仆人所讲的道。我从马太福音24章48节开始读:但如果奴仆邪恶,以为主人不会那么快回来, 就殴打同伴,跟醉汉一起吃喝玩乐, 主人会在他想不到的日子、不知道的时辰回来, 严厉地惩罚他,判他和伪君子同样的罪。他必在那里哀哭切齿。(马太福音 24:48-51 当代译本)



One of the most difficult things in choosing to follow Jesus is making the firm decision to disassociate with people that you know are bad influences. Dissociating from people makes you separate and it causes people to start making accusations against you. They start saying that you think you are “holier than thou” or that “you think you are better than everyone else…” They will come against you will all sorts of accusations and it will be difficult to do what Jesus said. Jesus called us to disassociate with people who are in sin. This does not mean that we never talk to them, Jesus talked to sinners and He rebuked the hypocrites BUT HE DID NOT DO AS THEY HYPOCRITES AND THE SINNERS DID. Jesus was separate because He kept Himself holy and pure before His God. We need to keep ourselves holy and pure, and the problem with the modern day church and the Christians of today is they refuse to disconnect from the people who are in sin. A synonym of the word associate is join together or come together or unite, and so many Christians have united themselves with sinners and they cannot possibly enter the kingdom of God because they themselves are joined together with sinners. I want to read to you what Jesus said about these sorts of servants. This is found in Matthew chapter 24 I’m starting in verse 48; “But if that evil servant says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying his coming,’ and begins to beat his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunkards, the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him and at an hour that he is not aware of, and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” You see, according to Jesus it is a very severe punishment for those servants who start to eat and drink with drunkards, this means connecting with sinners, connecting with hypocrites. You cannot follow Jesus and associate with sinners. You have to come out and be separate THIS is the message from Jesus and if you don’t like it you are going to have to face HIM on the Day of Judgment. Make sure that, (if you want to follow Jesus), you come out and are separate from those who are in sin. May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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