Go To Grow

2 years ago

Followship is being directed by God from every moment to every choice, it is going to grow through our lives, by His way, truth and life. This is a great thing for us as human beings with crazy emotions. Why? Well, we have some crazy emotions that stir up. Our human emotions are something we can’t escape from; we have to handle them, and sometimes we do it in a good way that is not so good a way and it doesn’t end very well. We need God’s help with our emotions, truly, He is the only One who knows us best, so common sense says, He is the best one to talk to. A lot of times we choose to stuff our emotions, so we have that BOOM moment where they all come out in that KABOOM kind of way, and sadly we throw them up all over the people who happen to be around us. What a mess, a stanky mess, because we have held our emotions in for a long time, not wanting to deal with them and that powder keg of emotions, sparked by the next thing… KABOOM, they come up! This is exactly what we don’t want to do. We need to change it up so we don’t have those emotional boom-kaboom moments. Been there and done that and hate it when it happens, because I know it could have been avoided if I daily stayed in a vital-vertical relationship with Jesus, sharing my whole life with Him. Okay, so let’s handle our emotions better by taking them to God, talking it up with God. No more stuffing! Tell God what you are feeling, believe me, He can handle it. Moment by choice, let’s learn to take our feelings to God, share them with God and let Him shape them by His Truth. Go to grow, is simply-significantly not having a life where we compartmentalize things. Well, I can share this with God, but I don’t want to talk to Him about this. God wants us to be Wholly-Holy-His and share with God everything. He is with us all day long, He takes no breaks, so we talk with God about the emotions as they occur, and ask for help, letting God help navigate us by His Word. Give God Total Access To Our Lives. Wouldn’t it be sweet to flip-flop the negative human reaction into a Godly response? That is called self-control. We definitely can’t “do” self-control in our own strength, it takes God’s strength in us. I hope to see us all “grow through” the tough situations we find ourselves in where our emotions are strong and sometimes very rank. I hope we choose the right way of no stuffing, and not the wrong way of I will deal with this later, because the later will not be very pretty, it will be a flesh out of emotions, a Kaboom. Boom! Kaboom! Have you ever fleshed out in ways you could never have imagined doing and then you want to bury your head in the sand. Have you ever thrown up emotionally all over everyone! How embarrassing that is! Make the better choice to “go to grow”, and grow through your negative emotions by talking to God about them, He loves it when we do that, when we allow Him total access to our lives, because He has a great endgame to our hard situations. No Stuffing Emotions! Talk it up with God, the result is so much better. Go To Grow With God. Have a wonderful day. #DigDeeper https://thebridegroomscafe.com/sudden-changes/ Rumble: https://rumble.com/veg2qz-disruptive-emotions.html #HeartToHeart https://rumble.com/vaxw1t-it-is-noisy-so-noisy.html

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