Model Railway Construction: Ply Sandwich Baseboard Supports via Cardboard Aided Design

2 years ago

Building baseboard frames to close the gap in the upper levels at Dongits Model Railway.

I'm making some complex shapes to support the upper levels, using a technique christened by the internet as "Cardboard Aided Design". Using cardboard templates allows both a rapid iteration on the design and a level of testing before cutting into potentially expensive materials.

Table of Contents:
00:00 - The Gap
00:31 - Outer Framing
01:30 - Cardboard Template
02:56 - Cardboard to Ply
05:11 - Installing the first ply side
09:39 - Installing the second ply side
10:18 - More templates
11:28 - Testing clearance
11:55 - Cutting out the remaining supports
13:57 - Installing the remaining supports

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