Kansas 2nd Aug primary election fraud

2 years ago

Kansas 2nd Aug primary election fraud . 9.43 pm local Kansas time. With this one as you can see I was also looking at it at the county level as well at around the time of the mass reduction. So with some analysis I will probably be able to describe and detail the procedures going on during the mass reduction events. From that I could even probably start drawing up a program logic model diagram and maybe even start writing out the lines of code that you would prob find inside the machines if you really wanted to be showey offey although c++ isnt my first language . But first I need to do some analysis on Colorado to detail it like I did arizona and maybe do some more Arizona. I think most of the juicy stuff will be between 2-4 am which is their apparent usual operartion and procedure from regular observation and the vid footage of LA primary that I posted. Also I saw a podcast of Mike Lindell saying that they did some things around 2 am so I guess it would be good to corroborate that with independant ananysis and data formats from independat sources. Peer review and all that.

Gov GOP primary
Derek Schmidt 242,680 - 240,418 Reduction 2,262

Arlyn Briggs 61,352 - 60,637 Reduction 715

75.1% votes counted reduced to 74.4%

Gov Dem primary
Laura Kelly 209,594 - 208,468 Reduction 1,126

Richard Karnowski 12,000 - 11,965 Reduction 35

99% of votes not reduced

US Senator GOP primary
Jerry Moran 249,683 - 248,082 Reduction 1,601

Joan Farr 60,987 - 60,610 Reduction 377

76.8% of vote reported reduced to 76.3%

State Attorney General GOP primary
Kris Kobach 125,221 - 124,637 Reduction 584

Kellie Warren 121,260 - 120,593 Reduction 667

Tony Mattivi 65,477 - 64,791 Reduction 686

77.1% of votes counted reduced to 76.6%

State Secretary of State GOP primary
Scott Schwab 165,038 - 163,900 Reduction 1,138

Mike Brown 126,400 - 125,761 Reduction 763

72% of votes reported reduced to 71.6%

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