#Inheritance vs. #Economy: Biblical #Conservatism in The Modern Day

3 years ago

The Enlightenment was the best The Devil could do.

Christianity forsook God as The Father, and turned Him into a trinitarian idol.

This travesty called modernity is the end result thereof. All of the philosophers from thence took this synthetic, sterilized and bastardized deity and crafted a world of moral presuppositions...some Biblical, others not...and The Devil guided you to The Enlightenment, the intellectual pinnacle of your civilization.

Y'all had a good run, but it's coming to an end. Because God is not a philosophy. He is your Father, and an individual. He can not be abstracted nor can He be impersonalized.

You traded Covenants for "rights".

Then, You traded Inheritance for Economy.

Then, You traded Family for Individualism.

The Enlightenment was the best The Devil could do.

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