Sciatica Pain relief 5min Wednesday routine

2 years ago

Sciatica Pain relief 5min Wednesday routine

In this routine I share with you a daily routine for sciatica pain relief. If you suffering from sciatica pain, with following these exercises and tips reduce your pain and improve your overall symptoms.

If you are not sure that you are suffering from sciatica check the link below:

- Sciatica pain relief / cause / sign and symptoms / diagnosis

- Sciatica nerve pain relief immediate effect

Disc Bulges vs Disc Herniated management and pain relief

Exercises that I have shared with you in this routine:

Cat camel:
Cat camel is a simple but effective exercise which can help you to reduce sciatica pain and improve your upper and lower back. You can try this exercise 3 times a day for 3 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions.

Figure 4 stretch seated:
The figure four stretch is one of the best stretches you can do for your body, regardless of the type of training you do. It targets the hips, lower back, and glutes, your body's largest and most powerful muscle group specifically your Piriformis muscle.
Try this stretch daily for 3 to 4 sets of 15 to 20-sec hold.

Hip Flexor modified stretch:
Hip flexor stretch is simply helping you to improve your hip mobility and get you more comfortable with bending forward. If you suffering from sciatica improving your overall hip mobility can be helpfull to reduce your pain and improve your overall symptoms.

Seated Thoracic Rotation:
Seated thoracic rotation is a great exercise to improve your lower and upper back. Breathing is essential in this exercise and you are going to try the movement in both sides within the comfortable range and gradually progress your movement. Try this exercise for 3 sets of 8 repetitions each sides.

McKenzie Exercise, Back extension:
McKenzie exercises for low back pain are a beneficial treatment for increasing flexibility of the spine and improving the pain with better results in pain relief. McKenzie exercises are a successful method for decreasing and centralizing the pain and increasing spinal movements in patients with low back pain.

Sciatica nerve glide:
This exercise can help you with the sciatica pain and nerve-tingling sensation. We presume you have the pain and tingling in your left leg.
You’re going to lie down on your back and find a comfortable position. Bring up the left knee to your chest to the point that feels comfortable. Then you are going to extend the knee and bring your toe to dorsiflexion. Try to extend the knee to the point that feels comfortable and you start to feel the stretch. You may try this movement for 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions. This exercise will help you to reduced sciatica pain and nerve-tingling sensation.

5- Side bend seated:
Side Bend is a simple but effective exercise which can help you to reduce your lower back pain and improve your hip mobility. You can try this exercise 3 times a day for 3 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions each sides.

These exercises will help you to relieve pain, and improve your lower back mobility. If you have sciatica symptoms this routine is suitable for you.


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Sciatica pain relief
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L4 L5 L5 S1 seated exercises
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L4 L5 - L5 S1 disc bulge best exercise rehabilitation for pain relief, L4 L5, L5 S1, disc bulges, disc protrusion, slipped disc, L5 S1, Disc bulges, disc protrusion, lower back disc, Lower back pain relief, lower back disc bulges, lower back exercise, slip disc, slipped disc exercises.

#sciatica #Sciaticapainrelief #L4L5L5S1seatedexercises

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