Top 10 Stretches for neck pain relief

3 years ago

In this video I share with you the Top 10 Stretches for neck pain relief. You can try these exercises in the acute phase of your injury along side of straightening exercises that I have linked below.

If you suffering from cervical disc bulges, you can add these stretches to your daily routine for pain relief.

Few link that you can try along side this routine:

Neck Spasm pain relief in 5min

Cervical Disc Bulge and Cervical Facet Lock pain Relief

Cervical herniated disc exercises

Top 10 Stretches for neck pain relief
Neck pain
Stiff neck
Cervical herniated disc exercises
Cervical herniated disc treatment
best Cervical herniated disc exercises
cervical herniated disc pain relief
Sore neck pain relief exercises
best exreicse for neck pain

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