Bulletproof your lower back with an advance core exercise for pain relief

2 years ago

Bulletproof your lower back with an advance core exercise for pain relief

In this routine I shared with you an advanced core exercise routine which is suitable for you if you are suffering from chronic lower back pain, disc bulges or herniated disc.

If you never done any core exercise, I would suggest to try my bigginer and intermediate core routine Before trying this advance routine.

Best Core exercises for back pain (beginner)

Workout routine for L4 L5 / L5 S1 Disc bulges and Sciatica Pain (Advanced)

Here is couple of link that will be useful for you:

Disc Bulges vs Disc Herniated management and pain relief

- MRI vs MRI:

- Herniated Discs Treatment and Management

Workout routine for L4 L5 / L5 S1 Disc bulges and Sciatica Pain (Advanced)

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