"How do I know I love him?" Signs

5 years ago

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How Do I Know I Love Him…?

If you’re not sure about your relationship, you might find yourself wondering “How do I know I love him?” You want to be sure he’s the one, right?

And you want to be sure you’re not fooling yourself. You need to know that this isn’t an illusion…

Are you dreaming?
Are you just infatuated?
Are you reading him right?

Now, to be truthful, you have to know that a lot of the signs you’re in love are the same for if HE is in love with you. Which means, if you’re really in love with him, you’ll see him doing a lot of the same stuff you’re probably doing!

Love is an emotion that is hard to define. As the saying goes, you might not be able to tell when it’s love, but you usually know right away when it’s NOT love.

What I’ll do for you in this article is show you some of the ways you can know for sure that you’re in love.

So how do you know you love him?

Let’s start with:

SIGN YOU’RE SMITTEN: Anytime, Anyplace!

If you’re digging a guy, you’ll likely find any reason you can to see him.

Which also means that if this guy calls you up and asks you to do something, you’ll drop everything to do it.


I’m not saying you need to refuse him – that would be taking “hard to get” too far. No, what I’m going to propose is that you be careful about being TOO available for him.

You want him to appreciate you. And people don’t appreciate what they get too easily.

As I say, if every football team got a super bowl ring and trophy at the end of the season, the sport would die. There is prestige and glory to winning the super bowl, and that’s why it’s such a fierce competition.

We don’t appreciate what comes too easily.


In accounting, you have to “balance the books” every day. In other words, you need to know that your money is all tracked – and all the ins and outs are fully accounted for. All those numbers are kept in a ledger.

The problem with many relationships – especially the “out of balance” ones that I work with – is that there are too many people who make love a transaction. They only give to get, and wait to get before they give.

Tit-for-tat, you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours…

Instead of a giving and letting themselves enjoy giving for its own sake.

The reason many people get stuck in this way of thinking is because a great many people feel deprived and starved of love. They didn’t get the kind of love they wanted in their family, so when they get older, they feel that love is scarce.

The reality is that love is EVERYWHERE! The universe is made out of love.

But when your emotions were formed and shaped by never getting the love you want, it might be hard to feel like there’s plenty of love out there!

SIGN YOU’RE IN LOVE: That Sushi Looks Like Him…

When you’re in love – the real kind – you’ll notice that everything seems to remind you of him.

You’ll turn on Netflix and see a show he mentioned…
You’ll go shopping and see a store that reminds you of him…
You’ll eat at a local sushi restaurant and see some Sashimi that looks like him laughing…
Okay, that last one is a stretch, but not that much. You’re going to start finding that everything you do seems to remind you of him.

This is actually a scientifically proven effect. It’s like when you buy a new car, and all of a sudden you see that everyone seems to have bought the same car.

How is this possible?

Well, it’s not because everyone bought the same car. Or that you now have a ton of coincidences and destiny putting your man in your life.

It’s because you have a

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
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How do I know I love him

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