Psilocybin Mushrooms and Higher Consciousness

5 years ago

In the first part of this video (after the shot of the dinosaur climbing the tree; post your guesses as to it's identity in the comments) I talk about the chemistry, habitat, and tell the story of the introduction of the mushroom into the western world, a pivotal moment in human history.
In use for at least 5000 years, the mushroom has played a substantial role in the evolution of many cultures around the planet, mostly in N. and C. and S. America, but likely in India and Africa as well.
In the modern western world, the benefits of these fun fungi are just starting to be recognized by scientists and medical professionals for their tremendous psycho-therapuetic capacity, memory and neuro-plasticity enhancing qualities, as well as spiritual and emotional benefits. In the second part( 6:02) I talk a little about my experiences with the mushrooms, from enhanced telepathic and intuitive perception to contact with inter-dimensional, alien intelligence's similar to those encountered with DMT. One of these experiences involved the largest dose of psilocybin mushrooms that I have ever heard of anyone taking. It did not end well, although I am still thankful for the experience. You'll notice that I do not give dose recommendations due to the fact that species, body weight, sensitivity, and other factors make this difficult to approximate for different individuals. I
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