HEBREWS 1-2. THE WAYS; the Bible, one faith from God Christianity, &the 2nd coming of Christ is soon

2 years ago

Our Father Who is in heaven, Hallowed be You're name.
Your kingdom come. You're will be done on earth as it is in heaven,
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And bring us not into temptation, but deliver us from Satan, who rules over the kingdoms of men with every wind of the doctrine of men.
For Yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

We are in World War 3 and everything seems to be falling apart.
Jesus gets us ready in the sermon on the mount. Consider that we need to just realize that we are in the last days of the kingdoms of men we need to learn to not fear men or try to rule over them ourselves. The Lord is at work on your behalf. Before everything falls apart, I believe there will be a solar flare, and because of the state of our north and south poles, it will knock out all of the power grids. but that will result in saving us from this perverse generation and allow one faith in God Christianity to explode! Those are likely to be among the first of the ways of men that will be gone. Satan is pushing his agenda, just like he was involved in killing all children under 2 years old to try and stop the Lord. Now the ways of the Lord are all on their way back, and He will force humanity to choose His moral standard or men's! The political pseudo-science, online and manipulatable power grids of men cannot compete with the objective truth science of God. Things will be exceeding abundantly greater than we ever imagined, but the Lord is going to cleanse this world from evil first Isaiah 55:9;
Subscribe to our channel as we read through the Perfect Law of Liberty that will free us from every wind of the doctrine of men. And as we learn how to worship God in Spirit and truth!
Religions of men are not what we thought, indeed it means that it was left up to every individual to not violate his or her conscience. It means that every person on earth was his/her religion Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30.
It is my job to warn as many as I can. It is your job to warn the group of people you worshiped with -do not give up on them now!
We do need to meet together, have Saul to Paul conversions, and maybe assemble online or in the evenings on Sunday.
We need to start getting our bibles ready and start learning how to study the Bible.
We need to get ready for the time the power grid is struck down and our salvation is nearer.

Heb 10:25 not forsaking our assembling, as the custom of some is, but exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day drawing nigh.

It is 6 am in Texas - the spiritual road to Damascus. Can you hear the Lord knocking? Asking you to quit kicking against the goad Rev. 18:4. To take His yoke and burdens upon you for they are lighter and easier to bear than men's
He overlooked our ignorance and now it is time to repent Acts 17:30.
Repent for the second coming of Christ is at hand. The Bible is being restored, Christianity is back, and in 40 years-every eye will see the Destroyer comet in the heavens 1 Cor. 10:10, and now those who are paying attention see the end coming for the kingdoms of men by looking at the sun!.
It's time to fear God and not man.
time to be poor in spirit
time to hunger and thirst after righteousness- subscribe and join us tomorrow.
time to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness - not men's!
Time to prep to get ready for the world to go dark (including getting the Perfect Law of Liberty- spiritual water, and find good access to physical water the Royal Law; print, ebook, zip drive, DVD.
When the world goes dark the light of the gospel of the kingdom of Christ Matt. 4:23 will grow bright. He promised us truth to set us free from every wind of the doctrine of men John 8:32 - every eye will see Him deliver!
We will be saved from this perverse generation even if we die in this war.
Everyone, please be safe, we need each other.


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