Why I stepped down as moderator on Stack Overflow

5 years ago

I made this video BEFORE all the brew ha on MSE. I stepped down BEFORE all this happened. At the time it was important news for a mod on SO to step down.

I'm too tired and busy to moderate atm. I've invested a lot of time and energy into the site, but am drained and need some time out to catch up with the rest of my life. Being tired and ratty makes me less useful on the site and everywhere else.

This video discusses mostly things unrelated to Stack Overflow, but gives you an insight into how I think, who I am, and why I have taken a step away from Stack Overflow.
At this stage I am not sure if I will return to Stack Overflow. I honestly have no idea.
I've used a variety of tags that reflect my ramblings.
It's uncensored. There's some swearing and some talk about sex.

Due to some weird feedback - I shower daily - I don't always brush my hair. It usually looks better if I don't! It goes fuzzy when I brush it, curly when I don't.

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