028: Tax Hike's Smoke & Mirrors- EXPOSED!

5 years ago

Though budget & tax-rate discussions have been front page news for the other cities in the county, the Rockwall Hilarious Banner has written NOTHING about the Mayor & Council's proposed tax-rate increase, which is the first time a rate increase has been attempted since taxpayers revolted over three years ago and voted to roll-back the tax rate.

The Mayor & Council have not broadcast or recorded many of the special budget meetings and the only indication that the Council is voting Tuesday night for a rate increase is a letter posted on the city website from the Mayor, which provides little in the way of actual explanation about why a rate increase is necessary, especially since they are choosing to redirect three cents of the current rate that had been dedicated to paying off the city hall building debt, to padding the reserve fund, which is already more than $280 thousand above the targeted fund goal.

On today's show, you'll get those answers!

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