New prospective study shows cardiac abnormalities in 18% of adolescent vaxx recipients

2 years ago

Find the study (pre-print) here:

Cardiovascular Effects of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine in Adolescents

Cardiologist Anish Koka provides an excellent write-up of the study here:


- 301 Thai adolescents aged 13-18 received a full baseline cardiac review before their second Pfizer shot, and completed follow-up
- 3 children (1%) developed myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) or pericarditis (inflammation of the fibrous sac surrounding the heart), and were admitted to hospital
- 1 of these 3 had a cardiac troponin level (marker of damage) that was 40 times above normal, and was likely monitored in the ICU
- 4 children were diagnosed with subclinical myocarditis, which is defined as: markers of cardiac injury that were above normal even without overt symptoms
- Cardiovascular effects were found in 29.24% of patients, ranging from tachycardia (abnormally fast heart rate), palpitation (perceived abnormalities of the heartbeat), and myopericarditis


One risk is with people who have heart injuries without overt symptoms. They may suddenly collapse or drop dead (sudden death syndrome), especially if they have increased stress hormones, such as when playing sports, walking a lot of stairs, giving a presentation, etc. If they had had symptoms, they might have been checked out by a cardiologists who would have advised them to refrain from vigorous exercise (and all stressful activities in general) for months.

It is unknown what the long-term consequences of these cases of heart inflammation are. Those involved could recover fully, or the inflammation may cause scarring, which would result in both a significant reduction in quality of life and life expectancy.

The medical risk-benefit ratio of COVID 'vaccination' is awful for everyone, especially adolescents and younger children, because:

- Healthy, lean adolescents belong to the near-zero risk group for COVID
- There are harmless, highly effective, cheap measures available for prevention and early treatment. These can reduce transmission to near-zero, and also reduce the chance of severe disease, long COVID and death to near-zero.
- The 'vaccines' are counter-effective at preventing (re-)infection, transmission, severe disease, death, and the emergence of new variants
- The 'vaccines' can cause known, potentially life-threatening side-effects in the short term, such as blood clots, heart attacks and reduced immunity (VAIDS)
- There are already safety signals that the 'vaccines' can cause cancer, reduced fertility and neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer, Parkinson's, etc.)
- Young people have a whole life ahead of them (the term used is Quality Adjusted Life Years, QALY). If they get permanently injured due to an injection that provides no medical benefit to anyone, they have to live with the consequences for the rest of their lives.

Some people will grudgingly acknowledge the risk of vaxx induced heart inflammation/damage, but counter that COVID would have been worse.

First of all, this is irrelevant because the 'vaccines' don't protect from COVID. If you get injected, you have the risk of injuries due to COVID *AND* of negative vaxx side-effects.

Second of all, the claim is patently false, see:

The Incidence of Myocarditis and Pericarditis in Post COVID-19 Unvaccinated Patients-A Large Population-Based Study
"We did not observe an increased incidence of neither pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection."


Fauci urges caution when introducing new vaccine: Harms may take decade to become apparent (1999)

Dr. Flavio Cadegiani: Examined athletes with reduced performance ALL have (subclinical) myocarditis

Sudden injuries, deaths in vaxxed athletes may be due to too much catecholamines | dr. Peter McCullough

Tawny Buettner, RN, observed 20x increase in myocarditis rate after the vaxx roll-out

Segment starts around 37m in original.

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