Just chilling with the girls in the quiet paddock

5 years ago

Just hanging out with the girls. Penny finishes her dinner, Ruby rounds them all up for the evening. Ava is getting used to me. Dyani of course is her darling self.

Penny stockhorse born 20/10/1991 14 3 black

Dyani -Tuppy's foal, born 19/6/2018 bay (https://pets.stackexchange.com/questions/21651/how-to-manage-weaning-a-4-month-old-foal)

Ava GFHH born circa 2019 - trapped from wild bay 13 hh

Ruby arabian born 24/1/2016 dark bay 14 1 (bought her underweight, she has big head from calcium deficiency)

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