Who ya gonna call? (Ghost Edition)

5 years ago

S1 Ep4
“Who you gonna call??” (With Bonus Footage)

We are visited by our friends at Paranormal Help Ministry, and they try to find answers for a building tenant that thinks he may have a extra unwanted visitor or 2 or 3...plus Bourbon and Orson go do their own ghost hunt!

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170 N Ocoee St.
Suite 305
Cleveland,TN 37311

Host, Orson Hells
Co Host, Bourbon Hitchcok
GM & Producer, Buddy Rogers
Editor, Vincent Crowley
Editor, Joe Horner
Audio/Video Tech, Joe Horner
Graphics Manager, Michael McDonald

Angry Vet Films:

#bumpinthenighttv #psychopathickillersinmovies #bourbonhitchcok #orsonhells

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