How to Hit Your Irons Like a Hammer

5 years ago

Do you want to start getting an extra 10-15 yards out of each of your irons?

Sound good?

There is a secret to getting more distance AND consistency out of your irons.

Click For Free Video: How to Hit Your Irons Like a Hammer

I used to watch golf on TV and see the pros hitting shots into greens with clubs that I wouldn't dream of hitting from those distances.

I just thought it was because they're bigger and stronger.....and just better.

There's no doubt that they are elite golfers, but today I'm going to show you the big reason that they get so much more distance out of their irons.

So let me start you on the path to longer irons and more consistent play.

Let's get started.....

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Clay Ballard

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