Aquarius Full Moon Astrosonics Activation #astrology #soundhealing #raisethevibeonearth

2 years ago
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Sun/FM/Uranus for the Aquarius Full Moon:
I awaken to and act upon now the universal truth that I am soul, and I am free.
Sun/FM/Saturn conj/opp:
I now recognize the fearful reactions that have caused self-imposed restrictions, and renew my determination to master them and set myself free.
Sun/FM/Uranus for T-square:
I recognize that the tension between my conscious action and unconscious fear is providing me with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to cut loose from my past and be free.

Sun/FM/Chiron sextile/trine:
The collective heart of humanity is fully supported by heaven to heal the past, and allow purity, innocence, play, and trust to guide us out of the darkness.

Sun/FM/Pluto for the square to the SN:
Now is the time to be fully present and align self-will with divine will. By releasing my need to control and/or judge anyone or anything, I allow space for infinite miracles.

Sun/FM/Venus sq. NN:
Now is the time to have faith in what cannot be seen, heard, or defined. Each thought, belief, and vision I hold will determine my future and impact the future of my world.

Merc/Uranus trine:
My thoughts are being called to a higher octave and perspective. Unexpected surprises support this transformation, and I welcome them as gifts of liberation from the Universe.

Venus/Uranus quintile:
As I trust with the heart of a child, all that I once feared is magically transformed into what I have always dreamed was possible.

Venus/Neptune trine:
When I remember that 99% of all reality exists in the unseen realm, I capitalize upon my innate power of observation. I remember to imprint the intangible, mystical realm with visions of the highest love and gratitude and accelerate the creation of heaven on earth.

Venus/Pluto opp:
It is in between the past and future that I find my greatest power. I surrender every moment to divine will and purpose so that miracles abound in every moment.

Mars/Saturn square:
Courage and conviction are natural partners, and although each may act at a different tempo - one fast and one slow - I hold the reins of each steady within me by staying grounded in the present.

Mars/Uranus conjunction:
When courage meets surprise, I am well equipped to take the leap of faith that advances heaven on earth for myself and all life around me.

Mars/Pluto trine:
When courage meets power, an iron will is born. I direct that will toward heaven and surrender the ego’s agenda to divine will completely.

Mars/Sedna conjunction:
When courage meets the Cosmic Mother of Creation, and masculine energy unites with the Galactic Feminine, life is protected, and held in sacred embrace.

Saturn/Uranus square:
When fear of change meets up with unexpected surprises, I know that divine will is interceding on my behalf and for my soul’s growth.

Saturn/Pluto/Venus for the NN/SN T-square:
When fear of change interferes with destiny, fate steps in and makes a course correction. By staying grounded in the present moment, I surrender each fear to divine will.

Uranus/Pluto trine:
When revolutionary change meets up with an iron will in harmonious conversation, the power of the people will be heard.

Pluto/Sedna trine:
When inner power unites with the Galactic Mother in supportive conversation, all of Creation unites in one powerful voice.

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