Chemical Reaction Experiment Experiment. Chemistry for Health Sciences Laboratory (CHM1032L)

4 years ago

This video is part of the remote learning Chemistry for Health Sciences Laboratory Course (CHM1032L). This Course uses the following manual: "CHM1032L: Chemistry for Health Sciences Laboratory Manual" by Perdian and Betts.

This video goes over the experimental details of Experiment 6: "Chemical Reactions" found on pages 71 through 82 in the "CHM1032L Chemistry for Health Sciences Laboratory Manual by Perdian and Betts. This includes "Reactions with Metals", "REactions with Aqueous Solutions" and "Acid & Base Reactions". This experiment will also include balancing equations.

If you are a Broward College student taking this course you must purchase this manual from the bookstore.

If you are an educator that is interested in using the manual please contact me and I can provide details about how to order it for your classes. My email is

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