Los Angeles Fingerboards 32.3 x 98mm Deck Unboxing

5 years ago

I had got this and filmed this a month or so back. Unfortunately Los Angeles Fingerboards closed there shop up. So you are unable to purchase any of their decks. I ordered another one on their closeout sale for another unboxing. Pretty bummed because LAFB made amazing decks.

These were hand crafted in Los Angeles California. The craftsmanship is superb. Everything about this board is nice. He super coated it so its slick and the way the bottom ply has various gradients of blue is sick. The camera doesn't really give it justice. They only sold decks so I ordered a Tech Deck to use the trucks and wheels for it. Some people hate on TD trucks but for me they get the job done and play just fine. For the price you can't beat them honestly. It sucks they shut down. His decks are super nice and all the feedback from his company was always positive.

They were at:
LosAngelesFingerboards.com but that is down.

Follow them on Instagram:

Thanks for making legit fingerboards while you did tho man.
Super super nice!

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